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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Illustration Friday—Subtract


Brian Lue Sang said...

Wow! Brilliant!

fashion fucsia said...

OOhh! So sad image but... the illustration is really wonderful.
All your artwork is extraordinary
and exceptional... fantastic!

angels said...

A great ecological and very fitting idea! Like the colors, and specially your houses below.

Coreopsis said...

I like this illustration a lot--great message, colors, composition. Looking down the rest of this page--really like all the book pictures. I don't know the story, but I love the atmosphere of them.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful...
I'm sorry you didn't put the media down would be interesting to see how you constructed it.

Lee White Illustration said...

Hi everyone, thanks for the comments. Jean, this image was started in acrylic, then watercolor, and on to oil. Then color pencil to touch up edges. Finally acrylic again for final glazing.

It sounds complicated, but it only took about 2 hours to paint. It's a very fun process!

Rui Sousa said...

This one is really beautiful, a really well done work. An excellent issue about the subject. congratulations and regards.

I invite you to visit my work.

rui sousa

Karen James said...

I love this. The sepia tone gives the illustration an aged quality, which causes me to wonder if that lone tree is still there. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!